L-Diversity: Privacy Beyond k-Anonymity

The state-of-the-art privacy techniques can be categorized into four classes: anonymization, perturbation, differential privacy, and cryptographic techniques. In location privacy protection, anonymization boils down into so-called spatial cloaking. An Extensive Study on Data Anonymization Algorithms … 2017-9-5 · Wong R. C. W., Li J., Fu A. W. C. and Wang K. 2006 (α,k)-anonymity: An enhanced k anonymity model for privacy preserving data publishing Proc. of the 12th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) (Philadelphia, PA,) 754-759. Crossref 医疗信息系统中的隐私保护研究 - MBA智库文档

2015-9-22 · 第41卷第1期计算机工程2015年1月Vo1. 41 NO.l Computer Engineering January 2015 ·移动互联与通信技术·文章编号:1000-3428 (2015) 01-0110-05 文献标识码:A中图分类号:TP391 AODV路由协议的研究和改进何绵禄,猪伟,刘辉舟(合肥工业大学管理

Challenges of Enterprise Cloud Services1 | SpringerLink

2015-3-27 · [LLV07] Li N, Li T, Venkatasubramanian S. t-Closeness: privacy beyond k-anonymity and l-diversity. ICDE; p. 106–15. 2007. [LLZ+12] Li T, Li N, Zhang J, Molloy I. Slicing: A new approach for privacy preserving data publishing. IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng, 24(3):561–574, 2012 [LM12] Li C, Miklau G. An adaptive mechanism for accurate query

Privacy Preservation Techniques | SpringerLink The state-of-the-art privacy techniques can be categorized into four classes: anonymization, perturbation, differential privacy, and cryptographic techniques. In location privacy protection, anonymization boils down into so-called spatial cloaking.